How do you say something was 楽しい?
In America, we would say something like:
It was fun.
It was really fun.
There are slang ways to say this, too:
It was a blast.
It was a kick in the pants.
Beer and skittles. (イギリスのスラング)
More formal ways would be:
It was a pleasure.
I had a wonderful time.
Other ways to say something was fun.
I had a good time.
I had a great time.
I had the time of my life.
For some reason, Japanese usually say:
I very enjoyed.
This is, of course, not correct.
Enjoy is not an adjective (形容詞). It is a verb (動詞). What’s more it is a transitive verb (他動詞) which means it needs an object (目的語).
a. …を楽しむ, …で楽しく過ごす (!(1)受け身は⦅まれ⦆ . (2)日本語の「楽しむ」よりも意味の幅が広く, 趣味(の道具)・仕事・時間・人生・人(との交際)・料理など幅広い目的語を取りうる)
▸ enjoy books [a new job, one's pipe] 読書[新しい仕事, パイプでの一服]を楽しむ
▸ How did you enjoy your vacation? 休暇はどうでしたか(≒How was your vacation?)
▸ really [thoroughly] enjoy Tom's companyトムと一緒にとても楽しく過ごす
▸ enjoy one's time in Paris パリで楽しく過ごす
▸ enjoy tennis more [╳better] than baseball野球よりテニスが好きだ
▸ Enjoy your meal! どうぞお召し上がりください (!ウェイターが料理を運んできた時などに言う)
▸ The concert was wonderful. I enjoyed every minute of it. コンサートはすばらしく, そのすべてを楽しむことができた.
Enjoy can also be a reflexive verb (再帰動詞、再帰代名詞を伴う動詞; enjoy oneselfのenjoyなど)
c. 〖~ oneself〗 【場所・パーティなどで】楽しむ, 楽しく過ごす, くつろぐ «at, in»
▸ Welcome, everyone. Enjoy (yourselves). ようこそ皆さん, 楽しんでください (!⦅米・くだけて⦆ ではoneselfが省略されることがある)
▸ Are you enjoying yourself? 楽しんでるかい, 調子はどうだい
▸ enjoy oneselfin the garden [bath] 庭で[風呂に入って]くつろぐ(╳enjoy in the garden [bath]としない).
In the photo above, it says エンジョイ!タイム. How would you translate that?
❌ enjoy time
⭕️ an enjoyable time
Or, a fun time, a great time, a wonderful time, etc.