. . . for the first time in a long time
. . . for the first time in many years
. . . for the first time in ages
((1) after a long time ともいう. (2) ⦅書⦆ では「長い時の経過[留守; 音信不通; 別離]の後で」の意で after a long interval [absence; silence; separation] などを用いることもある )
▸ 彼女から久しぶりに電話があった I had a call from her for the first time in a long time [for the first time in many years].⦅書⦆I had a call from her after a long silence.
▸ あんなに魅力のある人に会ったのは久しぶりだ It's been a long time since I met such a charming person.
▸ 久しぶりに最高のニュースを聞いたよ That's the best news I've heard for a long time.
▸ 久しぶりですね I haven't seen you for ages. (後の二つは口語的) It's been ages since I saw you last.
Long time no see. (親しい間柄で用いる. これをもじって
Long time no talk. ともいう) (It's) good to see you again. (最後の言い方は仕事上などの改まった場合に用いる.
「お久しぶり」に続く表現としては How have you been? (どうしてたの)や I could hardly recognize you. (誰だか分からなかった)などがある)