❌ It is bad smell.
→ It smells bad.
It stinks.
1 【いやなにおいの】bad-[nasty-]smelling, ⦅話⦆ smelly; 【むかつくように】stinking, foul
▸ 臭い液体
a bad-smelling [a nasty-smelling] liquid
▸ この肉は臭いにおいがする
This meat smells bad
▸ 彼は臭い息をしている
He has bad [stinking, foul, smelly] breath.【息がにおう】
His breath smells (bad) [〘婉曲的〙
His breath has a rather strong smell].
▸ 臭い⦅何のにおいだ⦆
What stinks?
▸ ガス臭いぞ
I smell gas!
▸ その部屋はたばこ臭かった
The room smelled of tobacco.
❌ It is good taste.
→ It tastes good.
It's yummy/delicious/lovely.