I received some Hato Sablé the other day from a nice young man who comes from Kanagawa Prefecture. Although I had eaten the sablé (cookies) many times before, I didn’t know anything about their origin.
Hato Sablé were created by Toshimaya's first owner, Hisajiro Kubota (久保田久次郎), who had received a gift of cookies from foreigners visiting his store. When Kubota tried to make them himself, he was unaware that butter had been a main ingredient. After much trial and error, the Hato Sablé was created.
The dove shape of the cookie was chosen because Kubota revered Kamakura’s famous Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine which has many doves.
サブレー (sablé) is French and refers to a cookie that has been made with flour, butter, and eggs.
Note: the word “biscuit” has different meanings for Americans and the British.
1⦅🇬🇧⦆ ビスケット, クッキー(⦅🇺🇸⦆ cookie)
▸ a chocolate biscuit
▸ a packet of biscuits
2⦅🇺🇸⦆ ビスケット〘小型のさっくりしたパン〙
▸ beef stew with biscuits
4 ⦅米俗・古⦆ 〖女性への呼びかけで〗かわいこちゃん.
That's the wáy the còokie crúmbles.
⦅主に米・くだけて ⦆ (不運な出来事に接して)世の中ってそんなもんだ.
tòss [snàp] one's cóokies ⦅米俗⦆ (げろを)吐く, 戻す.