Many, many years ago, there was a popular bumper sticker (宣伝用のほか, 政治・宗教的なメッセージを含むバンパーにつけるシール) in America that said “Life is a beach!” This was a play on words (ダジャレ) on the common complaint that “Life is a bitch” (人生はやっかい事, 面倒なもの, 不平). I guess the idea behind the message was that we should stop grumbling (ぶつぶつ文句を言う) and head to the beach.
Anyways, we finally had some sunny weather in Fukuoka, so on the second day of the new Reiwa Era (令和時代), we went out to one of our favorite beaches for beach-combing (浜辺に落ちている物を拾う).
You never can tell what you will find on the beach. Our boys usually end up with pockets full of sand, shells, sand, bits of colored glass, sand, an occasional hermit crabs (ヤドカリ), and more sand. Today, Daddy found a large pebble (海岸・川底にある磨耗で丸くなった小石) with the message: 笑顔で完歩 (Finish the walk with a smile on your face). Good advice from a rock.