Similar to Japan’s “Shingo - Ryūkōgo Award” (新語・流行語大賞), Oxford Dictionary chooses the English “Word of the Year”, announcing their decision every November. The word of the year for 2018 is “toxic”.
TOXIC | tɑ́(ː)ksɪk|tɔ́k- | 形容詞
1 有毒の ▸ highly toxic gas 非常に有害なガス.
2 毒の; 毒(素)による
3 中毒(性)の
4 ⦅米⦆とても不快な, 我慢ならない
5 〘経〙焦げ付いた
It is the fourth meaning of the word (とても不快な, 我慢ならない) that has gained currency (広く普及する) in recent years, particularly in light of the #MeToo Movement.
Top 10 ‘toxic’ collocates (共起) in 2018
1 TOXIC Chemical
2 TOXIC Masculinity
3 TOXIC Substance
5 TOXIC Environment (とても不快な環境) ✳︎
6 TOXIC Relationship (とても不快な関係) ✳︎
7 TOXIC Culture (とても不快な文化) ✳︎
8 TOXIC Waste
9 TOXIC Algae
10 TOXIC Air
1~4 and 8~10 are traditional usages of the word TOXIC (つまり、有害な); 5, 6, 7 use TOXIC in this new way.
Past Words of the Year include:
2017 Youthquake
2016 Post-Truth (Thank you Trump)
2015 Emoji (Yes, emoji! Congratulations Japan!)
2014 Vape
2013 Selfie
2012 Omnishambles
2011 Squeezed Middle
2010 Big Society