Need to read in English more, but don't have much time? Then go to Peanuts and read the daily comic strip. Smile while improving your vocabulary.
Mother Goose
マザー・グースとは、🇬🇧で古くから口誦によって伝承されてきた童謡や歌謡の総称で通称。英米で広く親しまれている。元来は「Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes」と。現在では🇬🇧発祥のものばかりでなく、🇺🇸発祥のものも加わり、600から1000以上の種類がある
American Comic Strips
Comics are an great introduction to reading in English and comics AZ Central has all the most popular comic strips including Bloom County, Garfield, Doonesbury, and so on.
Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary
1. Read, read, and read.
The easiest way to do this is to read about things you like in English. If, for example, you like gardening, then read about gardening in English. You can find all kinds of websites, magazines and books on that topic.
Another way is to read what are called Graded Readers. These are often simplified versions of famous novels. Oxford Bookworms have books in five levels 1~5. Penguin, too, has a similar series. There are also graded readers for children. The Step Into Reading series is recommended.
2. Keep a dictionary and thesaurus handy.
3. Use a journal.
4. Learn a word a day.
5. Play some games.
6. Engage in conversations. That is, talk A LOT with MANY different people.
7. Use Online Vocabulary Building Tools, such as:'s Word-of-the-Day
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