Now that winter has settled in, colds will start going around (風邪がはやる) and students of English will once again be incorrectly using the phrase they memorized in junior high school “catch cold” (風邪を引く). Like some English verbs—such as get dressed/wear—catching a cold is not just one on/off action, but rather a progression of actions or process.
I think I’m coming down with a cold.
I’m coming down with a cold.
I’ve caught a cold.
I have a slight cold.
I have a cold. (now)
I have a bad cold.
I’ve had a cold since yesterday.
My cold is getting better.
I’m all better.
I’ve gotten over my cold.
【普通の風邪】(a) cold ; 【インフルエンザ】influenza, ⦅話⦆ (the) flu. ~風邪▸ せきの出る[鼻]風邪 〘have〙 a cold in [on] the chest [in the head] / a chest [a head] cold.
▸ 夏風邪 a summer cold.
▸ ひどい[軽い; しつこい]風邪 a bad [a slight; a stubborn] cold. 風邪~
▸ 風邪気味である have a slight [a touch of a] cold. 風邪が[は]
▸ 風邪は万病のもと (⇨万病)
▸ 風邪が学校ではやっている【The】flu is [Colds are] going around in our school.
▸ 彼の風邪がうつった I got a cold [caught (a) cold] from him. / He gave me his cold [╳his cold to me].
▸ ちっとも風邪が治らない I just can't get over [(取り除く) get rid of, (振り払う) shake off] my cold.
▸ 風邪はだいぶよくなりました[ひどくなってきました] My cold is much better now [is getting worse].
▸ 患者は快方に向かっているようだったが, 突然風邪がぶりかえした The patient seemed to be recovering from his cold, but suddenly he suffered [had] a relapse. 風邪を[で]
▸ 風邪を引いている have a cold / be sick [⦅英⦆ ill] with a cold.
▸ 風邪を引きかけている be getting [coming down with] a cold.
▸ 風邪を引きやすい catch (a) cold easily / be subject [susceptible] to colds.
▸ 風邪を引いて熱がある have a fever with a cold.
▸ 風邪をこじらせる make one's cold worse.
▸ 風邪を引かないように気をつけなさい Take care [Be careful] not to catch (a) cold.
▸ ちょっと風邪を引いちゃった I've got a bit of a cold.
▸ 彼は今日は風邪を引いて寝ている He is in bed with a cold today.
▸ 風邪で胃(の調子)が変になっている My cold is affecting my stomach. 風邪薬 〘take〙 medicine for a cold / a cold medicine [(錠剤) pill].