Ohtani (or Ōtani) was in the news this week thanks to his shut-out and two homers. The commentator said that Ohtani was "otherworldly"—(an alien perhaps?)—and the best baseball player he had ever seen.
Link for video:
〖通例名詞の前で〗この世のものとは思えない, 現実離れした, 超俗的な; 来世の, あの世の.
Another term applied to Ohtani recently is GOAT 🐐
GOAT - Greatest Of All Timeの頭字語で、1992年以降に出現する流行語である[1]。
ムハンマド・アリの妻、ロニー・アリーが当人に因んで設立した会社、Greatest of All Time, Inc. (G.O.A.T. Inc.)